Thursday, April 3, 2008


George Washington had his inauguration on April 30, 1789. He became the first president of the United States. Soon after Congress started to debate about what they should call the president. John Adams, the vice president, thought they should call him something like “Your Excellency” as a symbol of respect. Others argued that it was too much like royalty. It was not good for their new democracy because it would be too much like a monarchy. Washington finally ended debate by saying he would like to be called “Mr. President.” Next, they started setting up the executive branch. They had an argument on what departments they were going to have and which powers they should possess. They picked the Department of State, the Department of War, and the Department of Treasury. The Department of State handled the relations with the other counties. The Department of War had the power to defend the nation. The Department of treasury dealt with the nation's finances. Now they had to deal with the problems with their government. The biggest problem was that they had no money to start their new government. To gain money, they put taxes on whiskey and other “luxury” goods. The tax was too expensive so the farmers rebelled. In 1793, Congress lowered taxes. Some people in western Pennsylvania still rebelled and Washington led militia to crush the rebels. This ended the rebellion.
In 1789, the French Revolution began. The French became a republic and were rebelling against their king. The leaders of the French Revolution wanted “liberty, equality, and fraternity.” The Americans that were for the French Revolution were known as the Democratic-Republicans or Republicans. Their were 20,000 deaths caused be the revolution. Hamilton and the Federalists were appalled at the number of people killed and Hamilton warned America that this might be our future.
In 1792, Washington started his second term in office. Close to the end of his term, he announced that he wasn't going to run again. Before leaving office, he wrote a farewell address. In this he wrote what bound all Americans together. He also wrote about two threats we had to the nation. One was problems we had with other countries, and the other was the “spirit of the party.” He didn't want everyone to get too loyal to their parties because it could tear the nation apart.
Alexander Hamilton was the head of the Federalists. He was first discovered by Washington during the Revolutionary War and became his personal assistant. Later in his life he became a delegate for New York in Congress and went to the Constitutional Convention. Hamilton thought humans were selfish and only did things for personal gain, federalists agreed. They did not want to give the people much power. They thought the government should be ruled by the “best people,” which they considered as educated, wealthy, and public-spirited men. The federalists wanted a strong national government, the state's rights were not as important to them. Hamilton wanted to expand the economy and increase its wealth by using the federal government to promote trade, businesses, and agriculture. Before he could do that, Hamilton had to think of a plan to pay off debts owed to the states and Congress from the Revolutionary War. He presented a plan in 1790. A lot of people opposed this plan. It was mostly southern states because a lot of them had already paid off their war debts. To get the South’s support Hamilton promised the capital would be in the South. The plan was passed. Next, Hamilton wanted to establish a national bank for printing money, collecting taxes, making loans, and given the nation its own currency. Although others argued against this saying that Congress didn’t have the power to establish a bank, Congress still approved it. This bank helped the economy grow and prosper. When the French Revolution started Hamilton hoped it would lead to an “establishment of free and good government.” Then in 1793 a war started between France and England. The Federalists supported England and Hamilton hoped that America would be a powerful and respected nation like England.
Thomas Jefferson was born in Virginia and became a tobacco planter. Later in his life, he became a politician. He thought that humans were citizens who could make good decisions for the country and themselves. He thought our government should be a democracy with a small, weak national government. He thought America should have more power for the people by getting a stronger state government. He also thought our economy should stay centered around agriculture. To him and other Republicans, a national bank was unconstitutional and anti-farmer because they would not give loans to farmers for buying land. During the French Revolution Republicans supported France for trying to get freedom from Britain.
In 1793, Edmond Genet came to the U.S. as an official representative of the French government. His job was to convince Americans to join the French Revolution against Britain. The Republicans welcomed him as a hero. On his journey, he became disrespectful to George Washington and made speeches attacking Washington. Washington’s cabinet decided to have him removed and Secretary of State Jefferson asked the government in France to recall him.
In 1796, John Adams and Thomas Jefferson ran for president. Federalists supported Adams and Republicans supported Jefferson. Adams won the election and became president. Jefferson became vice president. Soon after Adams became president, the Federalists passed Alien and Sedition Acts. These four new laws made it hard for Republicans to win. Three of the laws were aimed at aliens and made it harder for them to vote. The aliens usually voted for the Republicans. The one other law was the Sedition Act, which made rebellion a crime. This meant “printing, writing, or speaking in a hateful way against the government” was illegal. This punished Republican newspapers because they enjoyed insulting Adams. Jefferson and Madison made a set of resolutions saying the Alien and Sedition Acts were against the Constitution. Only Virginia and Kentucky approved the resolutions and they became known as the Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions. Since no other states approved, the protest died.
In 1800, the federal government moved to D.C. and it became the nation’s new capital. The move to D.C. was during the election of 1800. Republicans wanted Jefferson to become president and wanted a New York politician named Aaron Burr to run for vice president. Federalists wanted Adams to run for president again and Charles Pinckney to run for vice president. Jefferson promised a “frugal and simple” government. Adams wanted peace and prosperity. Their campaigns became based on insults. Republicans called Adams a tyrant and said he wanted a monarchy. Federalists called Jefferson a “howling atheist” and said he was going to “destroy religion, introduce immorality, and loosen bonds of all society. Federalists became divided in this election. Although some federalists wanted Adams to win, Hamilton and his followers didn’t support Adams because of their disagreements about the president’s foreign policy. Hamilton wanted Pinckney to win because he was more likely to value Hamilton’s advice. In 1801, there was a tie between Jefferson and Burr. Then the election was sent to the House of Representatives. They voted and Jefferson won the election.
In 1804, the 12th amendment was created. This made it so that the Electoral College has to make separate ballots for the president and vice president. If there is a tie, the House of Representatives choose from the top three candidates. If no one wins for vice president, the Senate chooses the vice president.
Jefferson and the Republicans won the election of 1800. This established a new system of government. “The Revolution of 1800” was made without war or physical violence. It showed Americans that we could have a peaceful revolution.

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